____________________.o0( TVMAZE Show Information )0o._____________________
Show Name....... A Believer's Guide to
Rating.......... N/A
Premiered....... 2022-03-28
Type............ Documentary
Plot............ Religious series exploring what faith can offer in times of challenge, crisis or transition
Cast............ Jennifer Saayeng ... Narrator
Network......... BBC One
Country......... United Kingdom
Language........ English
Runtime......... 45 mins
Status.......... Ended
Air Date........ Tuesday 22:40
URL............. https://www.tvmaze.com/shows/61096/a-believers-guide-to
___________________.o0( Current Episode Information )0o.__________________
Episode Name.... Becoming Parents
Season.......... 1x01
Plot............ Muslims Ali and Claire are expecting their first child. They are nervous about becoming parents, but just days after the birth, Ali's parents, sister and sister-in-law descend on them to practise their version of the Muslim tradition of 40 days. Relatives and loved ones help the new parents, and especially the new mum, with the transition to parenthood by looking after them so they can be free to care for the baby. For Claire this practice is going to be especially valuable as she lost her own mother when she was a teenager and doesn't have any maternal help from her side of the family
Runtime......... 45 mins
Air Date........ 2022-03-29 Tuesday, 16:35
URL............. https://www.tvmaze.com/episodes/2297358/a-believers-guide-to-1x01-becoming-parents
____________________.o0( Next Episode Information )0o.____________________
Episode Name.... Settling Down
Season.......... 1x02
Plot............ Christians Grace and Jess are engaged to be married and are about to move into their first home together: a canal boat. Saying goodbye to family, friends and the church community they have been a part of for the last five years is a huge change, and they are relying on their faith to help them make the move. In the past, the pair have struggled with being gay and Christian, and they have not always found acceptance. Once settled on their new boat, they look to find a church and a community that will welcome them
Runtime......... 45 mins
Air Date........ 2022-04-05 Tuesday, 16:40
URL............. https://www.tvmaze.com/episodes/2301187/a-believers-guide-to-1x02-settling-down